On February 13, 2023, the UCLA Tarjan Center Distinguished Lecture Series presented:
Impact of Special Olympics on Inclusive Health and Well-Being of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Attendees of the Zoom livestream to learned how to:
- Review the impact of Special Olympics on inclusive health and well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Discuss the Health Start toolkit for youth with developmental disabilities
- Discuss updates on Special Olympics at UCLA.
The Tarjan Center Lecture Series is designed for UCLA faculty, trainees, students, and community members. Lectures are offered by Tarjan faculty, distinguished members of the UCLA faculty, and invited guests on a broad range of subjects in the field of developmental disabilities.
The aim of the Lecture Series is to enhance knowledge and highlight important developments in research, practice, and public policy for people with developmental disabilities. Lectures will take place via Zoom (11:30AM-12:30PM, PST).

Rolanda Gott, MD, FAAP
Professor of Pediatrics, Departmentof Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine
Alisson Shapiro Term Chair for Children’s Cognitive Development
Clinical Medical Director
UCLA Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
Before joining UCLA, Dr. Gott was a member of the expert team that developed the Missouri Autism Guidelines Initiatives I and II for screening, diagnosis and evidence based treatment for ASD. With funds from the State of Missouri she developed and led one of the four Missouri Autism Centers which provided clinical care and training for providers in the field of Autism.
She was PI on multisite projects investigating African American Children with Autism spectrum disorders, funded by the Simons Foundation, UCLA ACE and Autism Speaks. Through Autism Treatment Network I participated in the review and development of toolkits for individuals with Autism.
She published peer reviewed articles on sleep disorders, vision problems in children with ASD, autism screening and other disabilities.
She also introduced a training curriculum with an innovative video teaching tool on Autism and Developmental Delay for Parents as Teachers National Center. This autism screening implemented by PAT has led to policy changes at the National and State of Missouri.
Closed captioning and Spanish interpretation were provided.